
We LOVE hearing from you guys! Let’s discuss some ways you can get in touch with us.

If you have a question that needs answering about a certain recipe…

I suggest you go through the entire recipe post (in case you haven’t already) as we may have added an answer to it in the FAQs section in the recipe post itself.

You can also go through the comments under that recipe because your question may have been asked by someone else and answered by us already.

You can try searching for an answer online too if you’re in a hurry.

If the above instances don’t work, you can always post a comment under the recipe asking your question 😊. I’ll try answering it as soon as I can.

If you want to get in touch to suggest a recipe…

Thank you so much for wanting to suggest a recipe to us!

As you may already know, the recipes we post here are super close to our hearts.

They literally are our favorite meals with so many memories attached to them.

You wanting to suggest a recipe to us that’s special to you would be… such a privilege ❤.

When you suggest a dish to us, we will create our own take on it. Please let us know why the dish means so much to you too. We would love to know.

We may just end up creating our own version of it and posting it here on the blog. Maybe even with a small thank you to you with your name and story!

Since we are creating the recipe on our own the recipe will belong to The Buttery Fairytale.

P.S. We are not asking you to submit an entire recipe to us, though you can share a few details about it. For example, there are so many different kinds of Butter Chicken curries out there. If you want to suggest one to us, you can tell us how maybe yours had tomatoes and cream in it…? This is so we can understand the kind of recipe it is and try and create it sort of the same way on our own with small changes, if any. This is because we would love to create a recipe that is close to your heart by working with ingredients and experimenting on our own! Since we are creating the recipe on our own the recipe will belong to The Buttery Fairytale.

P.P.S. For our fellow bloggers, this is not a Guest Post.

You can email us at hello(at)thebutteryfairytale(dot)com, leave a comment under a post or send us a message on Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook.

If you want to get in touch to share a food memory, just say hello or for anything else related to The Buttery Fairytale…

I’m all ears and would absolutely love to hear from you!

You can always send me an email at hello(at)thebutteryfairytale(dot)com

I try responding to all the emails I receive but unfortunately, I may sometimes miss out on an email or take a bit of time to respond.

Your emails are always appreciated and mean so much to us.

Even if we can’t reply fast enough, I want you to know that every single email from you makes us so happy and pushes us to work harder.

You can also send us a message on Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook.

Thank you so much for taking out the time to get in touch!

For requests regarding sharing any of our content…

We are so glad you like our content.

However, to reduce misuse and illegal activity by others, we have a few rules set in place.

Please check our FAQs under “E) Can I post your pictures or recipes on my blog or elsewhere?, to understand more regarding this.

You can email us at hello(at)thebutteryfairytale(dot)com if you have any more questions. We’ll be glad to answer.

Regarding Guest Posts…

We are not accepting any Guest Posts at the moment.

If you would like to work with us…

If your vision, values and mindset match with ours, we would love to work with your brand.

You can get in touch with us at hello(at)thebutteryfairytale(dot)com to discuss more.

You can also send us a message on Pinterest, Instagram or Facebook.
